2010.06.18 Friday Bar : Laptop and guitar improvisation hosted by Chris Cobilis | 星期五酒吧:Chris Cobilis 吉他與電腦即興

不可不看!!繼上週雷射與聲響互動的演出之後,本周再推Chris Cobilis搖滾與即興音樂現場演出!

0618 星期五酒吧 : 吉他與電腦即興
Laptop and guitar improvisation with real-time processing     7pm

Host: Chris Cobilis

Chris Cobilis(1979年生於澳大利亞,柏斯),1997年起從事搖滾及即興音樂的現場演出。現為澳洲前衛樂團The Tigers的主唱及吉他手,同時也是Sabre Tooth Tigers、Smrts等澳洲樂團的成員之一。

Chris Cobilis自2006年起以個人名義於英美、日本、希臘、法國、台灣等地巡演,曾與Kenneth Goldsmith、Awesome Color、Ikue Mori、Damo Suzuki、Jon Rose & Drawing4-5 等各國音樂家/團體,以及十方樂集、稻草人現代舞蹈團、動見体劇團等台灣藝文團體合作演出。

近來Chris Cobilis與柏斯的唱片公司Meupe Record合作,推行實驗性音樂作品的錄製及現場演出;2009年擔任澳洲電影《Wasted on the young》(後製中)的配樂製作。2010年甫獲西澳音樂獎最佳演奏家提名。

Chris Cobilis (b. 1979 in Perth, Australia) began performing live music in 1997 in both Rock and Improvised music contexts.

His primary work is in the Australian band The Tigers and solo improvisation and composition under his own name. He has however played in several other bands from Perth, Western Australia, most recently The Sabre Tooth Tigers and Smrts.

In 2009 Cobilis composed original score to the yet to be released Australian feature film Wasted On The Young, which is now finalising distribution. In addition he worked with The Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company and M.O.V.E Theatre Group, both of Taiwan.

Since 2006 Cobilis traveled abroad to perform in in the UK, US, Japan, Greece, France and Taiwan. Along the way he has performed on stage with the likes of Kueiju Lin, Kenneth Goldsmith, Awesome Color, Ikue Mori, Damo Suzuki, Jon Rose & Drawing 4-5.

Cobilis cooperatively runs the Meupe Records and Events company, which promotes experimental recordings and live performances in the Perth area. He has been nominated for Best Instrumentalist in the 2010 West Australian Music Industry awards.
