2012.01.06:Desire, Symbols and Consumption – Creations of Ulrike Johannsen | 慾望 、符號與消費 – 談Ulrike Johannsen 的創作軌跡

2012.01.06  Desire, Symbols and Consumption – Creations of Ulrike Johannsen│慾望 、符號與消費Ulrike Johannsen 的創作軌跡    7pm

主講人:  Ulrike Johannsen


 (For English please scroll down)


Ulrike Johannsen 簡歷

生於德國,現居住於奧地利。她是一位裝置藝術家,旅行的經驗豐富,並曾中國北京的HOMEshop與Chen Ling Hui Contemporary Space駐村。作品常探討流行社會文化所傳達的訊息,運用裝置、拚貼手法處理流行媒體與文化產業的視覺語彙,並曾在世界各地展出作品,參與相當多重要的展覽與研究計劃。她目前於竹圍工作室駐村,創作主題延續之前的作品「斯德哥爾摩症候群(Stockholm syndrome)」。

「斯德哥爾摩症候群(Stockholm syndrome)」源自1973年在瑞典斯德哥爾摩的犯罪事件,二位歹徒搶劫銀行並挾持人質,最後因歹徒放棄而結束。然而這起事件發生後幾個月,這四名遭受挾持的銀行職員,仍然對綁架他們的人顯露出憐憫的情感。「斯德哥爾摩症候群(Stockholm syndrome)」一詞意指人的矛盾與錯亂的精神狀態。


About Ulrike Johannsen

Born in Germany and now living in Austria, installation artist Ulrike Johannsen has had ample travel experiences and resided at HOMEshop and Chen Ling Hui Contemporary Space in Beijing, China. She creates with installation and collage to interpret visual terms of the popular media and cultural industries, and her work probing into the messages of popular society and culture has been displayed around the world and involved in many major exhibitions and projects. She now resides at the Bamboo Curtain Studio and continues to create following the precedent work “Stockholm syndrome.”

The term Stockholm syndrome originated from a 1973 criminal case in Stockholm, Sweden, in which two criminals robbed a bank and held hostages. The incident ended after the criminals gave up negotiating with the police. However, a few months after the incident, the four bank employees who were captivated still expressed sympathy toward their captors. Stockholm syndrome refers to the ambivalent and confused psychological conditions.


website: http://www.johannsen.net/ulrike/index.html