“We look to their islands as if we conceptually belonged to the same archipelago, as we contemplate on the common issues we face.” – Kao Jun-Honn
In the late 19th century, in the midst of Japan’s territorial expansion, the islands known as Taiwan, Japan’s Okinawa, and Korea’s Jeju Island were all taken under the rule of the Empire of Japan. The main difference between them was Okinawa later became a district of Japan, while Taiwan and Korea became Japanese colonies.
After World War II, the United States took Japan’s place as the dominating power of East Asia, and Taiwan, Okinawa and Jeju Island faced the similar fate of falling inside the “defense perimeter” of the United States during the Cold War. To this day, Okinawa, comprising of only 0.6% of Japan’s total landmass, is occupied by 75% of all the American military bases in Japan. Not to mention countless training accidents and criminal cases have been continually caused by U.S. personnel stationed in Okinawa for years.
In 2007, the U.S. military went against the opposition of South Korea residents and constructed a naval base in Gangjeong, a small village on Jeju Island. Gangjeong had the potential to become a strategic military spot in 21st century East Asia to The United States, having neglected the significant damage it will bring to the “good soil” beneficial to agriculture and the spectacularly beautiful yet fragile coral reef. Just as the Senkaku Island dispute flared up in East Asia once again, China, Japan and the United States were engrossed in how to protect the benefits of their countries. The countries conducted military exercises and boosted their military expenses, while the media frantically chased after the rising tension between nations. It was during this time of chaos and confusion, the U.S. military forcefully carried on the construction of the naval base, regardless of the opposing outcries in Gangjeong village that have been prevailing for nearly six years.
Takae village, located in the middle of the northern mountainous region of Okinawa, is neighbor to the U.S. military base “northern training center” that covers about 7800 hectares of land. In 1995, three U.S. servicemen raped a young Japanese girl, which then led to public outrage and over 100 thousand demonstrators who gathered to protest. In response to the rise of anti-base outrage, the United States and Japan launched the Special Action Committee on Okinawa (SACO) in hopes of appeasing Okinawa residents. However, the committee adjusted and enhanced the military bases instead of removing them. After the SACO, the United States were to return half of the land to Japan, under the condition that they could construct 6 new helicopter ramps near Takae Village. These ramps were only 400 meters away from the closest private residence.
In February 2006, residents of Takae, about 160 residents in total, established the Okinawa Takae Residents Anti-ramp Association. They hoped that by doing so, the government will reevaluate their plan. However, authorities were indifferent to their voices, and continued with the construction nonetheless on July 2, 2007. Residents have then attempted long enduring sit-down strikes in response to the construction of the base, but their sacrifices were in vain yet again.
In 2007, another naval base initiated its construction in the location of Gangjeong Village on Jeju Island. Anti-base movements have been in action for over 5 years, and these sounds of resistance further developed in to the “Jeju Demilitarized Peace Island Movement.” This has shed some new light on their pursuit of peace, and the focus on peace correlates with the island’s history. In retrospect, the South Korean Government christened the island “the Peace Island of the World” in 2005 for the painful history the island has witnessed in the past decades.
Okinawa, Jeju and Taiwan are all East-Asian islands, and they also play crucial roles in strives for peace in East Asia. Last September, just as social activists launched the International Action Week for No Jeju Naval Base, Taiwanese artist Kao Jun-Honn forged ahead discussion in Taiwan. Koa Jun-Honn, as well as the Gangjeong SOS organization, Taipei Contemporary Art Center and Dogpig Art Café joined together in holding a screening of the documentary of the Gangjeong Resistance and the panel on the issue. The aim is to raise awareness among the public of Taiwan on the adversities and challenges East-Asian islands are facing today.
Early this year, Taiwan Haibizi joined Gangjeong SOS in planning this dialogue at Taipei Contemporary Art Center. Through screening the documentary, inviting activists, who have long participated in the resistance in Okinawa and Jeju Island to share experiences and insights, they hope to not only raise awareness in Taiwan, but also to pave the way for the Demilitarized Peace Island Movements in Jeju, Okinawa and Taiwan.
與談者Speakers / 報告人Presenters:
Dr. Song Kang Ho (SOS 創辦人 Founder of SOS)
Cho JungRae (SOS成員 SOS member)
Kim Dong Won (SOS成員、江汀村良心犯 SOS member, former POC of Gangjeong)
Emily Wang (SOS 成員 SOS member)
龔卓軍 Kung Cho Jun(南藝大創作理論研究所副教授)
主持人:高俊宏 Kuo Jun-Honn(藝術家)
現場翻譯 延光錫(交通大學社會與文化研究所博士班)
7:00- 7:30 江汀村抗爭現場影片放映(中英) Documentary Screening (Chinese/English)
7:30-8:00 Brother Song,非武裝和平運動 Demilitarized Peace Movement
8:00- 8:30 金東元 韓文 江汀村抗爭簡史 Kim Dong Won: The History of Gangjeong (Korean)
8:30- 8:45休息時間 Break
8:45-9:00 Cho-Jung Rae
9:00- 9:15 Emily Wang
9:15-9:45宮平杏奈、許雅紅:台灣海筆子沖繩高江小組 Taiwan Haibizi
9:45-10:00 龔卓軍 Kung Cho Jun
9:45- 綜合討論(全體) Discussion
主持人:高俊宏 Kuo Jun-Honn
やんばる東村 高江の現状 http://takae.ti-da.net/
文字 text:陳睎 Zaid Chen
攝影 photo:張巧怡 Joy Chang
翻譯 translator :周思婷 Christine Chou
三月七日由台北當代藝術中心(以下簡稱TCAC)、台灣海筆子沖繩高江小組、藝術家高俊宏與濟州島江汀村SOS組織於TCAC共同舉辦的「台灣、沖繩、濟州島 非武裝和平之島交流會」,延續去年九月由藝術家高俊宏發起、偕同江汀村SOS組織、台北當代藝術中心及豆皮文藝咖啡館共同舉辦的江汀抗爭紀錄片以及說明會,並與台灣海筆子高江小組串聯,期望能透過民間與藝文界的交流來展開東亞和平可能性的對話,並思考戰後美軍基地在東亞的諸多現象。
高俊宏在座談會中表示,去年前往江汀村時看到村民與和平運動者的生活,都在落實反海軍基地的活動上;而在沖繩的高江的反美軍基地活動也有同樣的狀況,在台灣幾乎沒有看過這麼長時間的抗爭,而他在會中更談到一位日裔的韓國藝術大學教授所提出的東亞小三角的概念,即為濟州島、沖繩與台灣;這三個地點都曾經受過日本殖民,而濟州島之於韓國和台灣之於中國、沖繩之於日本都有相當程度上的類似,從歷史的淵源來理解其實彼此之間有相當的關連性。SOS成員Kim Dong Won在與會中表示濟州島周圍擁有許多瀕臨絕種、美麗的生物,生態與環境相當受到國內外的環保與生態團體重視。然而在海軍基地的工程開始之後,當地的農產品開始受到影響,甚至因兩次颱風過境所造成工程傷害的殘留物,也嚴重影響當地的海洋生態;而海軍基地的駐紮處位於濟州島上的火山岩岸平台,是村民們時常前往休憩、放鬆的地方,甚至給予信仰,對當地居民是一個相當重要的地方。工程開始之後,居民遍試著阻礙工程的進行,並且對遊客、施工人員甚至海軍進行宣導。這些和平運動包含著在工程範圍裡散步,在工地的門口祭拜,在工地內祈禱。有些人為了聲援,也舉辦了演講與座談會,或是運送物資到江汀村給予當地居民。而現在警察也開始介入,將和平運動者以妨礙公務的罪嫌逮捕。Kim認為這背後的意義不只是濟州島江汀村的事件,而是美軍在東北亞的軍事部署的計畫。除了Kim提到的和平運動之外,與會來賓SOS組織成員及現場翻譯Emily也提到,支持濟州島江丁村的作家、藝術家以及手工藝家們在海軍基地的工程區域中頻繁的活動,甚至有居民結婚典禮也在海軍基地,已經被居民與和平運動家當成是和平藝術公園,被居民以頻繁使用的方式占領。
SOS組織創辦者Dr. Song Kang Ho 在會中指出,島容易因為外來勢力或者國內公權力,而使其權力遭受剝奪卻難以獲得關注跟重視,除了濟州島,國際上也有許多被軍事化的島嶼,如沖繩、夏威夷的歐胡島、關島、菲律賓呂宋島上的蘇比克。這些島嶼的軍事化過程幾乎都是無視民主的程序,島民的權益遭受剝奪,島上的傳統文化財與生態環境也遭受破壞。在國際上,美國欲顧存其在西太平洋之霸權,而已經崛起的中國也為其符合成長的國力以及隨之而來對國際社會上的政治要求也開始蠢蠢欲動。目前濟州島與歐胡島和沖繩島民的和平活動家漸漸地互相連結,希望能維護自身的權益。其中,和平島嶼之間的提議有除了防止島嶼的軍事化以外,更有自治、講求中立以及非武裝(撤廢軍事基地、禁止軍艦停泊、軍用機停留、以服和平役代替服軍役、撤廢國防稅)的概念。
1948年 43事件爆發, 3萬島民死亡
1947年 31獨立運動的活動在混亂中有8位青年遭政府擊斃,該次事件變成四三事件爆發的契機
1948年 韓國南北各自成立自己的政府,剛促成的南韓政府將反對南韓政府的勢力視為共產主義者
2002年 濟州島和順港被選定為海軍基地 居民反對
2002年 江汀村被聯合國國際教科文組織定為生育圈保護地區
2004年 江汀村被韓國只到為絕對保護地區
2005年 南韓總統盧武鉉宣布濟州島為和平之島,南韓政府承認對濟州島的暴力 並且將濟州島稱為和平之島
2005年 濟州島唯美港選定為海軍基地 居民反對
2007年 教科文組織登錄濟州島為世界遺產
2007年 江汀前村長違反公開宣傳的義務,發出傳票召開會議,該會議只有八十七人出席,八十七人以「拍手」通過「海軍軍港建設的請願書」提議案。其他村民至此皆被蒙在鼓裡,直到他們從電視新聞上得知自己的村莊即將成為海軍基地,憤怒的村民罷免前任村長,並再次召開投票,儘管海軍試圖勸阻江汀村居民前往投票,仍有共七百二十五位居民參與投票,且九十四%的村民投反對票。