2010.07.30星期五酒吧Vol.20:In Between Time & Space |

07.30星期五酒吧 7pm-8.30pm
主題: In Between Time & Space
授課講者: Edwin van der Heide
同步口譯: 江怡萱
Edwin van der Heide (NL)

Edwin van der Heide 於1970年出生,1992年時自荷蘭皇家音樂學院聲響學系畢業。他同時身為藝術家和研究者致力聲音,空間和互動媒體的開發與創新。他目前的工作領域是難以界定的,因為他選擇創作的媒材時常介於傳統音樂、聲音藝術、媒體藝術之間的特定集合地帶。Edwin認為媒體本身並非只是扮演調解的角色,但它屬性特質應該成為作品中內在固有的本質。

Edwin van der Heide延伸音樂性語言進入空間的,互動的和跨學科的方向並超越傳統音樂會的表達形式。其結果可以是一個裝置,表演或環境。觀眾時常被放置在作品之中並被挑戰要主動探索, 參與互動及延展自己與作品之間的美學關係。
始自1995年 , 他開始於海牙的荷蘭皇家音樂學院附屬的藝術與科學部門教授影像與聲音學科,同時也兼任皇家藝術學院的講師。2002開始,他也開始在荷蘭萊登大學講授媒體科技的理工碩士學程。 在2007他在同一機構成為助理教授。

2009年,他在歐洲贏得了科技聲音領域中最高榮譽的“Witteveen+Bos Prize of Music +Technology”首獎。Edwin van der Heide曾經是台灣宏碁2000 “ArtFuture”

Edwin van der Heide (1970) studied Sonology at the Royal Conservatory, where he graduated in 1992. He is working as artist and researcher in the field of sound, space and interaction. His current work is hard to define in the traditional terms of music, sound art or media art because he is often working with specific characteristics a chosen medium. The medium is not meant to ‘just’ mediate but it’s properties become an intrinsic part of the work.
Edwin Van der Heide is extending the term musical language into spatial, interactive and inter-disciplinary directions and going beyond the traditional concert presentation form. The result can either be an installation, a performance or an environment. Often the audience is placed in the middle of the work and challenged to actively explore, interact and relate themselves to the work.
In 1995 he started lecturing at the interfaculty Image and Sound / ArtScience of the Royal Conservatory and the Royal Arts Academy in The Hague, The Netherlands. Since 2002 he lectures at the Media Technology MSc program of Leiden University, The Netherlands. In 2007 he became an assistant professor at the same institution.
In 2009, he has won the highest honor of “Witteveen+Bos-prijs voor Kunst+Techniek” in Europe.