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覹 Survival scene
2010 覹空間兩岸攝影學術工作坊 展覽暨成果發表
【台北當代藝術中心 】
展期:12/12 ~ 19 週一公休
時間 |12/12 Sun. 14:00
主持人 |Dr. David J. Clark、黃孫權
與談人 |郭力昕
【高雄搗蛋基地 】
展期:12/24 ~ 31 週一公休
Alam Shahidul
David James Clark
傅斯博 | 梁辰 | 劉彬 | 曹歡 | 張巍華 | 李佳 |
歐怡君 | 張馨尹 | 甘志雨 | 柯念璞 | 葉思吟 |
黃郁齡 | 吳文君 | 黃嘉文 |
錢怡安 | 吳玉麗
覹空間 survival scene 2010兩岸攝影學術交流工作坊
Survival Scene in its Chinese name use the word 覹, which is pronounced “wei” and possesses the definitions of “to peek” and “to observe,” to indicate the indistinctive spaces under the rapid changes of space modernization and how they are reborn with new meanings and listened and recorded by cameras’ viewers through the exploration of people from different places. In the project, “survival scene” means the space unable to fight against its disappearance in the island of Taiwan, and such space includes Treasure Hill Artist Village, Lo-Sheng Sanatorium, both of which are parts of urban plans, the Yancheng District at Kaohsiung, and the villages that have shrunk gradually with the development of industrialization. The spaces have been directly affected and changed during the process of modernization, but also they have developed to have qualities different from those of new urban areas and thus become important historical spaces that need to be reserved by words and screening.
In recent years, public awareness and the concern for environmental protection have risen around the world, but they seem to shape the prime enemy of governments. Environmental ambassadors and all kinds of protestors become the herald that hinder policies. Apart from the differences in the field of economy, which are emphasized by officials, are there any other factors that contribute to the unrest? We are going to lead the cameras of film shooters to the indistinct corners in Taiwan caught in the crisis of disappearing, and with the observation of different scenes of changing landscapes, we hope to draw more people’s attention and perhaps understand more the causes of the contradiction and conflict between officials and the public.
開幕論壇 | 影像的社會角色
時間 | 12/5 Sun.08:30-17:30
地點 | 世新大學國際會議廳
地址 | 台北市文山區木柵路1段111號2樓
Dr. Shahidul Alam | 孟加拉達卡Drik機構負責人
(相關報導可見: http://pots.tw/node/6461 )
>Beyond Words: The Transition from Verbal to Visual Culture
Dr. David. J. Clark | 北京亞洲新聞中心視覺總監
>The History of Changing PhotoJournalism
常河 | 上海東方早報副主編
康旻杰 | 台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所副教授
Spatial Limbo-Narratives for Landscapes in Temporal Suspension
黃孫權 | 破報總編輯 / 高雄師範大學跨領域藝術研究所專任助理教授