2010 Forum Biennial :TSAI Charwei “Lovely Daze”, “Sea Mantra” | 蔡佳葳《Lovely Daze》、《海洋經》


Lovely Daze






《Lovely Daze》是由住在紐約的台灣藝術家蔡佳葳所策劃發行的一本雜誌,為匯集藝術家作品與文章的合輯,一年推出兩期,發行量約五百份。《Lovely Daze》主要為世界各地的藝術家們創造一個藝術交流平台,同時提供大眾一個認識藝術的橋樑。從2005創刊到現在《Lovely Daze》一共推出過7期,和3期特刊。其中亦曾收錄藝術家Yoko Ono、Vito Acconci、Shilpa Gupta、謝素梅、李明維以及一些從未發表過的藝術家們的作品。Lovely Daze 同時也舉辦過許多地下音樂和參與國際藝文活動,包括2010年「從那,去那」—聖保羅雙年展圖書館計劃;「Lovely Daze —5週年」座談,巴黎龐畢度藝術中心;「倫敦藝術書展」,Whitechapel Gallery;「東京藝術書展」,3331 Arts Chiyoda 等。(文/蔡佳葳)


















www.charwei.com, www.lovelydaze.com








2010    「食托邦—第二屆台灣國際錄像藝術展」,鳳甲美術館,台北,台灣



2009    「第六屆亞太當代藝術三年展」,昆士蘭美術館,布里斯本,澳州「蔡佳葳:海洋、大地、天空」個展,沙曼當代藝術基金會,雪梨,澳州


2008    「聖跡」龐畢度藝術中心,巴黎,法國


2007    「為了愛,你願意付出多少?」(網上作品),卡地亞基金會,巴黎,法國




2006    「第一屆新加坡雙年展:信仰」,新加坡。


2005    「夢想」卡地亞基金會,巴黎,法國





Lovely Daze


2005 ~ Present

Dimensions variable



Lovely Daze is a curatorial journal published by New York-based Taiwanese artist TSAI Charwei. It’s a collection of artists’ work and writing released bi-annually in limited editions of 500. The publication aspires to provide a platform for artists from all over the world to present, first hand, their writings and artworks and to explore conversely how theories substantiate practice, and thoughts Materialize through writing and making art. Founded in 2005, Lovely Daze has since published 7 regular issues and 3 special editions. Contributors range from Yoko Ono, Vito Acconci, Shilpa Gupta, Lee Mingwei, Su-Mei Tse, to previously unpublished artists. Additionally, this year Lovely Daze has organized many packed events was included in these international exhibitions: the library project: “Daqui, Aqui Mesmo” at the 29th Sao Paulo Biennial; “Lovely Daze 5th Anniversary” presentation at Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; London Art Book Fair, Whitechapel Gallery; Tokyo Art Book Fair, 3331 Arts Chiyoda. (Text by TSAI Charwei.)


Sea Mantra


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Video with sound, 17min Black ink on mirror 2009Commissioned by Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, Sydney


This is part of a series of work that I have completed, Sky Mantra, Earth Mantra, and Sea Mantra where I write the Heart Sutra onto a mirror reflecting changes in various environments. I try to capture the movements in the clouds, which are different from the movements in the mountains, and from water. The changes reflect on the core teaching of the Heart Sutra – emptiness. (Text by TSAI Charwei.)




TSAI Charwei

b. 1980. Now lives and works in Paris, France and Taipei, Taiwan.

www.charwei.com, www.lovelydaze.com


Selected Exhibitions


2010    Carnet d’Inspiration, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France

           Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan


2009    6th Asia-Pacific Triennial, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia

           Charwei Tsai: Water, Earth and Air, Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, Sydney, Australia


2008    Traces of the Sacred, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France


2007    How Far Would You Go For Love? (Online Project), Cartier, Paris, France

           Thermocline of Art: New Asian Waves, ZKM ­Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany

           Animamix Biennale, Shanghai MoCA, Shanghai, China


2006    Belief: Singapore Biennale, Singapore


2005    J’en Rêve, Cartier Foundation, Paris, France

