2016.04.23 Talk: Contemporary authors of photography and the emerge of new social and arts media in Mexico


主講人:Raúl Gasque

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本次講座將以兩個主題進行,第一部分由身為攝影師、作者和記者的Raúl Gasque精選最具影響力的墨西哥當代攝影師及其作品作為介紹,並探究其超現代社會與政治現場的美學流變。第二部分將評論這些作為當代運動平台的新媒體與網路:

  1. 第一主題將以兩個面向呈現墨西哥當代攝影。首要的面向為後現代主義時期的攝影師,次要面向則為超後現代主義時期(依據Gilles Lipovetsky的說法)的攝影師。在第一面向中主要討論與後現代主義有關的攝影師,如Graciela Iturbide(曾獲哈蘇攝影大師獎)、Enrique MetinidesRodrigo MoyaEnrique Bosthelman,他們於舊意識形態瀕臨瓦解以及新墨西哥始及之際,提出如「我們是北美人還是拉丁美洲人?」這類型自我辨別的存在主義問題,並於美學與哲學層面以獨特方向引領著世代。
    就超現代主義作切入去檢視時,墨西哥呈現著更複雜的景況:鄉村景觀被暴力的利刃入侵,都市社會則出現新式典範與挑戰。此時期所主宰的哲學流派是拉丁美洲式詮釋的超現代主義,在此將討論的代表作品是來自Ana Casas BrodaMaya GodedGerardo and Fernando Montiel KlintKoral CarballoDiego MorenoJosé EspindolaNadia BaramMiguel Fernández De CastroArturo SotoAdam WisemanMarcelo PrietoCarlos LeónJuan Carlos CoppelGuillermo SerranoRaúl Gasque。每個作品皆截然不同,但它們於社會與政治面向中展開了並行的凝聚。
  2. 第二個主題是針對反映即時流變的新媒體進行評論,探討其所呈現的新訓如何引領墨西哥導入新的方向。墨西哥當下的新社會正積極尋找可以反映新思維方式的場域媒體,如雜誌VICE MexicoERRR MagazineRevista CodigoLa TempestadFalso Raccord等皆引領著新認知,以體現超現代國家須以新資訊型態及美學觀點來找尋答案。

Raúl Gasque
Raúl Gasque(梅里達,尤卡坦州,墨西哥,1981)是一名重視觀念性思想的墨西哥攝影師、作家與記者。他的作品著重於人類學、歷史、心理學與其他社會科學議題等系列性的探索,而他個人的生命力求無窮勘探世界各處,並試圖以非傳統視角探索事物的狀態。他在2007年曾任諾貝爾和平獎Rigoberta Menchu 的傳播溝通顧問,這也是他開始從事編輯(因新聞稿)與攝影工作的開端,並在此工作中遇見教導他開展攝影系列作品的攝影師Miquel Deweber Plana。從2010年起,開始為攝影出版品寫作關於攝影、插圖以及繪畫的文章,並為5 Pieces Gallery及南美洲雜誌ANORMALMAG書寫藝術相關文章。Gasque在墨西哥的the Arts Institute工作,他的攝影作品也多次在墨西哥及美國的許多藝廊展出,並為墨西哥城多個廣播公司製作關於攝影的廣播及網路廣播節目。他的文字總是優先紀錄新興視覺藝術家的作品,這些文字也在如紐約切爾西的MC Gallery被用作空間論述。他是VICEMunchies的撰文者,也在墨西哥城的當代攝影平台La Hydra舉行對談以及合作參與。
Raúl Gasque目前居住於台北,並持續發展關於墨西哥與台灣當代攝影的交流計畫。

1969年生於台灣台北,1994年國立台北藝術大學美術系畢業,曾受邀參展威尼斯、橫濱、亞太、上海、亞洲、深圳、首爾、曼徹斯特、雪梨…等地藝術雙/三年展,香港「集群藝術獎」及新加坡「亞太藝術獎公眾獎」得主 。作品涉獵廣泛,主要探討人類某種荒謬處境,早期作品以幽默手法對「正統性」進行顛覆。也透過攝影裝置手法,呈現台灣特有的一種虛假、疏離的「冷現實」。並整理過去在台灣各處踏查拍攝的廢墟照片, 呈現台灣全球化潮流與特殊歷史背後所隱藏著的龐大意識形態黑洞,延續「人類歷史的命運,具有某種無可救藥的荒謬性!」創作主軸。近年改寫並挪用中國美術史經典畫作,將其轉化成個人生活或真實故事,試圖將宏大史詩文本轉化為私微自傳敘事,以「偽山水」策略對所謂的正統性進行篡位。 2010年至2016年帶領「失落社會檔案室」返鄉進行《海市蜃樓》拍攝計劃,以「微型文化行動」概念提引起社會高度關注。


Time: April 23, 3pm
Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center, No. 11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Taipei (MRT: Daqiaotou Station)
Moderated: Yao Jui-Chung

Speaker: Raúl Gasque

In this talk—divided in 2 general topics—the Photographer, Writer and Journalist Raúl Gasque is going to explain and show the work of some of the most influential photographers immerse in the hypermodern social and political scene in Mexico. In a second topic Gasque is going to do a review of the new media and networks that are the platforms of this contemporary movement:

  1. This topic pretends to show the contemporary photography on Mexico dividing it on 2 sectors. The first sector is the photographers in the age of postmodernism and the second is the photographers in the age of hyperposmodernism (in terms of Gilles Lipovetsky). In the first sector there are authors that usually are related with postmodernism, photographers like Graciela Iturbide (Hasselblad price), Enrique Metinides, Rodrigo Moya and Enrique Bosthelman, they lead a generation with a special direction on philosophy and aesthetics, where ideology was getting to an end and a new Mexico it was going to start to ask to is self-different kind of existencalist questions like are we North Americans or Latin American´s?.
    On Hyper modernism we find a more complex panorama in Mexico. The rural landscape gets invaded by a violent edge and the urban society start to emerge with new paradigms and challenges. The philosophy that reins in this period is a Latin-American interpretation of hyper modernism. The authors that we are going to see as a representative form of this period is the work of Ana Casas Broda, Maya Goded, Gerardo and Fernando Montiel Klint, Koral Carballo, Diego Moreno, José Espindola, Nadia Baram, Miguel Fernández De Castro, Arturo Soto, Adam Wiseman, Marcelo Prieto, Carlos León, Juan Carlos Coppel, Guillermo Serrano, Lizette Abraham and Raúl Gasque. All these works are really different from each other, but they find a parallel intercourse in the social and political themes.
  2. The second topic is a review of the new media that reflects the changes and the information topics that runs in a new direction in Mexico. The new society in Mexico is looking for new places where they can find the reflection of a new way of thinking. Magazines like VICE Mexico, ERRR Magazine, Revista Codigo, La Tempestad and Falso Raccord, lead a new perception that shows a hypermodern country with the necessity to find answers in a new way of information and aesthetics panorama.

Raúl Gasque
Raúl Gasque (Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 1981) is a Mexican photographer, writer and journalist who works with conceptual ideas. His work is a continuous exploration of issues related to anthropology, history, psychology and other social sciences. His life has been an ongoing exploration in different parts of the world, a situation that has stimulated to try to explore things from unconventional angles. He was the communication advisor of the Peace Nobel Prize Rigoberta Menchu in 2007, where it started to tie his work as editor (for press releases) and photographer, in this work he coincided with the photographer Miquel Deweber Plana, he taught him to develop a work in photography series. Since 2010 writes for publications on photography, illustration and painting. Wrote art texts and articles for 5 Pieces Gallery and the South American magazine ANORMALMAG. Gasque has  worked in institutions as the Arts Institute in Mexico. His photographs have been exhibited in various galleries in Mexico and the U.S., also made radio programs and podcast about photography for several radio stations in Mexico City.
His texts always have the priority to transcribe on the work of emerging visual artists, this texts have been exposed as room statements in spaces such as MC Gallery in Chelsea, New York. He is a VICE and Munchies Contributor. He has done talks and collaborations with the contemporary photography platform La Hydra in Mexico City.
R. Gasque is currently based in Taipei Taiwan, a place where he is developing a project of exchange on contemporary photography between Mexico and Taiwan.

Yao Jui-Chung
Yao Jui-Chung was born in 1969. Lives and works in Taipei. He graduated from The National University of the Arts. His works has been widely exhibited in numerous international exhibitions. Include Venice, Yokohama, APT 6, Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Media City Seoul, Manchester, Asia and Sydney Biennale/Triennale. Yao is the winner of The Multitude Art Prize in 2013 and 2014 Asia pacific Art Prize. Yao specializes in photography, installation, and painting. The themes of his works are varied, but most importantly they all examine the absurdity of the human condition. In recent years, he has created photo installations combining the style of “gold and green landscape” with the superstitions that permeate Taiwanese folklore, expressing a false and alienated “cold reality” that is specific to Taiwan. Representative works. Since 2010, Yao grouped his students into a team of photography workshop called “”Lost Society Document” “(LSD), published five books named “”Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan”,” and practice looked into the possibility of observing the society by through the meaning of art.