2018.08.18 Working Through Space:Workshop with Deanna Dowling and Sophie Davis

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地點:台北當代藝術中心 (台北市大同區保安街49巷11號1F)

台北當代藝術中心(TCAC)邀請您參加為期半天,由紐西蘭藝術家狄雅納‧道凌(Deanna Dowling )和策展人蘇菲‧戴維斯(Sophie Davis)共同主持的工作坊。

作為TCAC 2019年帶狀節目《女頭目的未來學》(暫定)第一單元研究項目的起點,此次工作坊的重點圍繞在建立環境、個人與集體關係交流知識的環境。狄雅納和蘇菲將分享她們的研究成果,進行小組的合作討論,閱讀和思考,營造一種互相學習的氛圍,討論會著重在環境,建築與空間,並考慮台灣與紐西蘭 Aotearoa 兩地之間不同的社會經濟,環境和文化背景。

本工作坊將邀請參與者事先發送自己工作區域的照片,不需要是高解析度的照片,以是您工作的任何空間 – 家庭,工作室,辦公室,圖書館等。並且事先閱讀附件:Emilie Rākete,《人類:寄生蟲,後人類主義,Papatūānuku(地球)》,文獻14讀者(慕尼黑:Prestel,2017)。我們將在工作坊進一步討論附件,因此不需要對文本有深入的了解。

* 研討會將以英語進行。
* 工作室圖片請事先寄送至:office@tcac.tw,主旨請註明姓名。
* 閱讀文本可由此下載:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ww24fXL25x1aEYL1Yrfl0riksvvq2etB?usp=sharing

圖片:Laure Leifer等,Heresies Magazine Issue#2:Space of Space and Communication in Women,Vol。 1977年第1期,第3期。1。


Working Through Space:Workshop with Deanna Dowling and Sophie Davis

Time: August 18, Sat.1 – 6pm
Venue: Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC 1 Fl, No.11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Datong District, 10346 Taipei)

TCAC invites you to a half-day workshop with New Zealand artist Deanna Dowling and curator Sophie Davis.

As the starting point for a research project that will culminate in an installation as part of TCAC’s 2019 programme, this gathering focuses on exchanging knowledge around personal and collective relationships to built environments. 

Deanna and Sophie will share their research and facilitate collaborative discussion, reading and thinking—with the aim of creating an atmosphere of reciprocity and considering different socio-economic, environmental and cultural contexts between Taiwan and Aotearoa New Zealand. 

We would like to invite participants to email TCAC a photo of their workspace. The photo doesn’t need to be ‘good quality’ and can be of any space that you work—home, studio, office, library, etc. The attached text is suggested to read before the workshop: Emilie Rākete,“In Human: Parasites, Posthumanism, Papatūānuku”, the documenta 14 reader (Munich: Prestel, 2017). However, we’ll discuss it further so an in-depth knowledge of the text is not required.

*The workshop will be conducted in English.
*Please email the photo of your workspace to office@tcaac.tw, titled with your name.
*The text can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ww24fXL25x1aEYL1Yrfl0riksvvq2etB?usp=sharing 

Image: Laure Leifer et al., Heresies Magazine Issue #2: Patterns of Space and Communication Among Women, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1977, p. 1.