2019.03.29 Trading Zone II: The Dances of Death And Disease
交易地帶 II: 死亡與疾病之舞

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∞ 交易地帶 II ∞ 死亡與疾病之舞

時間:2019.03.29 4pm
地點:台北當代藝術中心 TCAC (台北市大同區保安街49巷11號1樓,近捷運大橋頭站)
藝術家:__01 1 ___6 6 8

__01 1 ___6 6 8 是來自洛杉磯跨媒材藝術家。主要使用聲音與行為演出建構出與觀眾相遇的場域,共譜一曲「死亡與疾病之舞」。現場演出將與 @_vvxxii 的視覺共同呈現。

__01 1 ___6 6 8 創作出末世未來感的聲音圖景,於2019春天進行亞洲巡迴,TCAC將是其中一站。

3/29 Revolver: https://www.facebook.com/events/385402765627998/
3/30 Final: https://www.facebook.com/events/567646283743607/

∞ 交易地帶 II ∞ :以魅影交換震動
TCAC 2019 年將以「交易地帶」(Trading Zone)串連點狀活動,試圖在挖掘不定期與偶發的點狀活動中蘊含著隱而未現的關聯。引用自科學哲學家彼得‧加里森(Peter Galison)提出的「交易地帶」,該理論提出不同領域的人在進行知識交換時,如同說著不同語言的人在進行貿易行為。而「交易地帶」則是不同領域的人達到區域性協調的地帶。這不單是空間指向的概念,也是知識在局部領域內得以交換與各取所需的象徵。


∞ Trading Zone II ∞ The Dances of Death And Disease

Time: 2019.03.29 4pm
Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center (1 Fl, No.11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Datong District, 10346 Taipei)
Artists: __01 1 ___6 6 8

__01 1 ___6 6 8 is a multidisciplinary artist from Los Angeles, CA. Using sound and performance as their primary avenues of contact, they conjure “the dances of death and disease.” Featuring visuals by @_vvxxii .

__01 1 ___6 6 8 creates a futuristic and dystopian soundscape. He will tour Asia this spring and Taipei Contemporary Art Center is one of the stops.

Other Performances:
3/29 Revolver: https://www.facebook.com/events/385402765627998/
3/30 Final: https://www.facebook.com/events/567646283743607/

Trading Zone 2: Trading Phantom with Vibration
In 2019, TCAC will connect the happenings with the thematic idea “trading zone,” uncovering the hidden interdependence in between. Proposed by scholar Peter Galison, trading zone is often to denote the new language that is formed in the expertises among different disciplines. It is not only a metaphor for a physical space, but also how and where the knowledge to exchange and be built among different disciplines and practices.

In the second exchange in Trading Zone, we explore the way to the future through the sound and vibration in space.