2019.05.04 Joint Presentation of Visual Art Critic Project


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現象書寫計畫聯合發表 – 台北當代藝術中心、害喜影音綜藝有限公司與黃祥昀

地點:台北當代藝術中心 TCAC (台北市大同區保安街49巷11號1樓,近捷運大橋頭站)

本活動為國藝會去年首度公布的「現象書寫–視覺藝評專案」獲補的三組團隊╱個人 — 台北當代藝術中心、害喜影音綜藝有限公司與黃祥昀 — 的階段性成果發表。第一階段由三組團隊╱個人介紹各自的計畫與書寫內容,第二階段則由團隊╱個人針對首度執行的心得共同討論。新一輪「現象書寫–視覺藝評專案」也將於5月1日至15日進行收件,歡迎有志申請者參加本活動。



14:00 – 14:20  計畫主題介紹
14:20 – 14:50  王柏偉:當空間作為地理概念的關鍵字
14:50 – 15:00  喘息
15:00 – 15:30  林怡秀+黃祥昀:「歷史影像的再創造」
15:30 – 16:00  詹子琦+洪芷寧:「當代藝術與知識的傳遞」
16:00 – 16:40  綜合討論
16:40 – 17:00  Q&A



台北當代藝術中心(TCAC)提案題目為系列專欄《關鍵字時代 – 當地理作為一種隱喻》,透過非典型的文章形式與內容,想像藝術評論書寫的可能性。五位作者王柏偉、方彥翔、郭娟、徐詩雨與陳璽安將自行挑選一個關鍵字發展系列藝術評論,可進行多位藝術家同時評論,或是跨國界與跨展覽的書寫。文體也將跳脫傳統評論形式,以小說形式或是散文等形式等創作,於中英雙語藝術媒體平台《介面 SCREEN》發表。並且於2019年由每位評論人根據書寫關鍵字中涉及的概念,策劃一「事件」。透過TCAC作為一個具有實體空間的連結點,橫向連結評論人與空間的互動,本專欄所生產的知識可以以文字之外的姿態呈現。

害喜影音綜藝有限公司(Hide & Seek Audiovisual Art Variety Inc.)專題企畫「經驗敘事:視覺創作經驗之轉譯與文化生產」,由編輯官妍廷與三位作者林怡秀、詹子琦、洪芷寧組成,討論視覺藝術創作與公共性╱教育特性的轉譯工作,書寫主題分別為《影像作品做為再述材料》、《朝向公共性的創作歷程》、及《陪伴的完成Ⅰ、Ⅱ》;探問影像檔案的再返與再創,以及觀察當代藝術實踐與學習相互參照的可能。

黃祥昀的專欄「雲的藝評:跨媒體影像觀察」,以「後殖民」、「後人類」、「日常生活社會學」、「時間的政治學」四大概念為核心,評論跨媒體作品(transmedia art),所分析的作品涵蓋攝影、電影、錄像、網站藝術、VR、app等等。文章的理論框架遊走於社會學與哲學之間,希望透過書寫「理論與作品的對話」,找到觀看當代影像藝術的獨特視角。


** 本活動感謝國藝會「現象書寫-視覺評論」專案、文心藝術基金會、蘇美智女士的慷慨支持。


Joint Presentation of Visual Art Critic Project – Hide & Seek Audiovisual Art Variety Inc., Hsiang-Yun Huang and Taipei Contemporary Art Center

Time: 2019.05.04 Sat. 2-5pm
Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center (1 Fl, No.11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Datong District, 10346 Taipei)


First launched in 2018, the Visual Art Critic Project aims at nurturing a healthier environment for art writing. Hide & Seek Audiovisual Art Variety Inc., Hsiang-Yun Huang and Taipei Contemporary Art Center, the recipients of this grant, are honored to join the presentation. In the first section, each team/person will introduce the proposal and current stage of the writing. The second section will be group discussion about the comments and feedbacks on the project. The Visual Art Critic Project is currently accepting new applications till May 15. Perspective applicants are welcome to join the event.


About the proposal:

Hide & Seek Audiovisual Art Variety Inc.
Coming soon…


Hsiang-Yun Huang
Hsiang-Yun Huang’s column Cloud Art Critic centers on four key themes— postcolonialism, posthumanism, sociology of everyday life, and the politics of time. The case studies include transmedia art and media art, ranging from photography, film, website-art, video art, app to virtual reality ,etc. The theoretical framework interweaved by the discourse of philosophy and sociology creating dialogues between theories and artworks with the hope to form a unique perspective on the contemporary media art scenes.


Taipei Contemporary Art Center
TCAC is proud to announce the launch of a new column The Age of Keywords: Geography as Metaphor, in collaboration with the bilingual online art platform SCREEN. This column aims to challenge the traditional format of art criticism, re-imaging new forms of effective art criticism in our time. Five contributors—Po-wei Wang, Fang Yen-Hsiang, Guo Juan, Shih-yu Hsu, and Zian Chen—will each develop a writing series based on a selected keyword. The manifestations could be essayistic reviews that draw connections between exhibitions and artworks from different countries, or fictional, poetic pieces that question our perceptions of reality. In addition, each contributor will curate a “happening” that centers around his or her chosen keyword in 2019. Ideas and subjects generated by the writings can be further expanded and passed on beyond written texts and shared between individuals in TCAC’s physical space.

The Visual Art Critic Project: http://www.ncafroc.org.tw/founding-apply-single.aspx?id=47172 

* The event will be in mandarin.
** The Visual Art Critic Project is sponsored by National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan, Winsing Arts Foundation and Mrs. Su Mei-Chi.