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《未來即過去,垃圾變黃金 》工作坊第一階段
時間: 2019.12.14(六) 2-6pm
地點:台北當代藝術中心TCAC (台北市大同區保安街49巷11號1樓,近捷運大橋頭站)
當我們丟棄過時老舊的電子設備時,同時也浪費大量的黃金。僅台灣地區,每年就產生4萬噸電子廢物,其中約40%被回收利用,並從中提取約1噸黃金。但在這當中的電子零組件,許多都包含可以通過 DIY 方式提取的黃金。
Agnieszka Pokrywka 和 Humberto Duque 是Super Eclectic成員,這是一個位於芬蘭赫爾辛基的跨領域藝術家組合。
* 歡迎有興趣參加者寫信至office@tcac.tw, 或是透過FB messenger至Taipei Contemporary Art Center 報名。參加者也歡迎自行攜帶廢棄或是不使用的電子產品。
Date: 2019.12.14 Sat. 2-6pm
Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center
Organized by Super Eclectic
We would like to invite you to participate in a workshop in which recycling gold from electronic waste becomes a journey that projects memories into the future.
Enormous amounts of gold are being wasted when we dispose of aging electronic devices. Taiwan alone produces 40 thousand tons of electronic waste every year, of which roughly 40 percent is recycled, and about 1 ton of gold is obtained. Nevertheless, many electronic components contain gold that can be extracted in a DIY (do-it-yourself) way.
In the first part of the workshop, we start to extract the gold and other metals, which will be re-integrated into other objects in the second part in order to give them a new meaning, and a new life.
The results will be displayed in an exhibition at the end of December.
Golden Trash – Future Past aims to raise awareness on the serious implications of gold mining and aging technology. But above all, it is a reflection on how we can enrich our own present and future through a never-ending redefinition of our past memories: a diversity of things, places, activities, and people that represent who we are.
Agnieszka Pokrywka and Humberto Duque are Super Eclectic, a multi-disciplinary team based in Helsinki, Finland.
*Please sign up by sending email to office@tcac.tw or fb messenger to TCAC. Participants are welcomed to bring their own aged/not-in-use electronic appliances.
**Golden Trash – Future Past is supported by Taike and Frame.