2021.02.26 – 2021.03.28 The Turn of the Fifth Age


時間:2021.02.26-03.28,週二至週日對外開放,10AM – 5PM,

地點:印尼萬隆 Selasar Sunaryo Art Space,(Gallery B & Wing Gallery)

策展人:Heru Hikayat (印尼), 呂岱如 (台灣), 徐詩雨 (台灣).

藝術家:Abshar Platisza (印尼), Andrita Yuniza (印尼), Bakudapan (印尼), 林子桓 (台灣), lololol (台灣), Natasha Tontey (印尼), Riar Rizaldi (印尼), Sorawit Songsataya (紐西蘭), 蘇郁心 (台灣), Tromarama (印尼), 王雅慧 (台灣), 吳其育 (台灣).

媒體藝術展覽《轉向第五時代》由印尼萬隆 Selasar Sunaryo Art Space (SSAS) 與台北當代藝術中心共同策劃。



展覽題目參考並回應瑪格麗特.愛特伍2009年在《衛報》發表的短文《死亡星球上的時空膠囊》(Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet)。這篇文章用以支持當年在哥本哈根舉行的聯合國氣候變化會議中的10:10氣候變遷運動。愛特伍描述了四個不同的世代,象徵著文明的逐步發展,第五世代實際上是後末日的投射及想像,這也是我們將展覽命名為《轉向第五時代》的原因。





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關於 Selasar Sunaryo Art Space 

Selasar Sunaryo Art Space(SSAS)是一個非營利空間組織,成立宗旨在支持印尼視覺藝術文化的實踐、研究與發展。 SSAS 最初由印尼藝術家 Sunaryo 於1998年成立,積極策劃面向公眾教育的活動。在 Selasar Sunaryo 基金會的指導和支持下,SSAS 著重透過展覽、討論、駐村和工作坊實踐當代藝術計劃。


台北當代藝術中心(TCAC) 成立宗旨在於提供藝術家、策展人、相關文化實踐者一個開放平台,一個用以發表、交換、創造與分享的空間,容納超越一般藝術機構條件、市場機制以及個人主義以外的美學表現。我們的核心價值任務在於創造批判性的公共領域,經營國際交流,致力於前衛實驗性的藝術發展和教育學習的多樣可能,在對文化環境提出省思的同時,實踐觀念性藝術機構的組織樣貌,以回應在地之關鍵需求與向未來拓展的欲望,並持續以跨文化交流的節點運作和探索。


《轉向第五時代》由以下單位所贊助:文化部,台北市文化局,Art Jakarta

同時感謝以下單位支持:Goethe Institut Bandung,Goethe Institute Jakarta,Indonesian Français Institute


The Turn of the Fifth Age

Time: 2021.02.26-03.28, Open for Public Every Tuesday – Sunday, 10AM – 5PM

Venue: Selasar Sunaryo Art Space (Gallery B & Wing Gallery), Bandung, Indonesia

Curators: Heru Hikayat (ID), Esther Lu (TW), Shih-yu Hsu (TW)

Artists: Abshar Platisza (ID), Andrita Yuniza (ID), Bakudapan (ID), Tzu-Huan Lin (TW), lololol (TW), Natasha Tontey (ID), Riar Rizaldi (ID), Sorawit Songsataya (NZ), Yu-Hsin Su (TW), Tromarama (ID), Yahui Wang (TW), Chi-Yu Wu (TW).

The Turn of the Fifth Age is an exhibition initiated by Selasar Sunaryo Art Space (SSAS) in Bandung, Indonesia, and Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC) in Taipei, Taiwan.

It started in 2019. The original plan was to counter the inevitable acceleration of contemporary exhibition creations with a proposal that was not exhibition-centerd. The plan was to create a series of discursive workshops, deeply immersing ourselves and the artists in each other’s practices.

However, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic made international travel nearly impossible. Hence the plan changed. The Turn of the Fifth Age becomes an exhibition based on a series of dialogues, prolonged correspondence, between Taipei and Bandung at the time of a pandemic crisis. Curators and managers from both sides worked together with artists that have agreed to participate in the project.

We then realize that the situation we endured while developing this exhibition is relevant to Margaret Atwood’s essay, Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet. Which was written for The Guardian in support of the 10:10 climate change campaign started ahead of the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. Atwood described four different ages that symbolize the gradual progress of civilization. The fifth age is in fact the post-apocalyptic world. This is the reason we named the exhibition The Turn of the Fifth Age.

Onward with participating artists from Taiwan and Indonesia, we would like to imagine a world that escapes the inevitable destination of Atwood’s text. The Turn of the Fifth Age was conceived before and during an extremely unsettling year, as the global unforeseeable conditions of the pandemic challenged us to reconsider the way we construct our material relationships with the world. We hope our proposal of varying methodologies and ways of imagining speculative futures can nurture an allegorical space to rest or an alternative time capsule that enables a reset of the current climate.

Our attentions proceed to explore the tensions present within the material realities, driven by technology and capitalism. Many artists in the exhibition share their research and concerns over ecological issues, for humans and nonhumans alike, in an effort to dilute humanist binaries. Is it possible for creative imagination and artistic speculation to impact the direction our world is taking? Can an exhibition be an oracle or a method for reading the future?

Curatorial Essay


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About Selasar Sunaryo Art Space

Selasar Sunaryo Art Space is a non-profit art institution with the objective of supporting the development of practices and study of art and the visual culture in Indonesia. Established in 1998 by the artist Sunaryo, SSAS is active in holding activities oriented at public education. With the guidance and support from Yayasan Selasar Sunaryo (Selasar Sunaryo Foundation), the main focus of SSAS would be on the holding of contemporary art programs through exhibitions, discussions, residency programs, and workshops.

About Taipei Contemporary Art Center

Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC) is an independent art space established by Taiwanese artists, curators, critics, writers, scholars, and cultural researchers in 2010 to provide an open platform to present, exchange, create and share. The core value and mission of TCAC is to create a critical public sphere, promote international exchange and provide diverse art experiment possibilities and learning programs.

This exhibition is sponsored by: Ministry of Culture, Taiwan, Department of Cultural Affairs Taipei City Government, and ArtJakarta

and supported by: Goethe Institut Bandung, Goethe Institute Jakarta ,and Indonesian Français Institute.