Flow – Documentation of a Journey Crossing Borders and Boundaries
Thai-Myanmar border, the Philippines. Bordered by a river, a collective memory of people without identity; ended in a city, a group of stranded passers-by who never retreat but advance. A river is a railway, a highway, a flight. Whither does the river go? A journey to seek a way out. What they gaze at is either a foreign land or homeland; either the other or self.
參觀時間/Open Hours:1-7pm
展覽地點/Venue:台北當代藝術中心2F/ Taipei Contemporary Art Center 2F
開幕/Opening:8/12 Fri. 8pm
討論會/Forum:8/13 Sat. 4-6pm
與會來賓/Guest:吳逸驊 Jameson Wu (台灣新聞攝影研究會常務理事)
影片放映/ Documentary : (於2F展場重複輪播)
菲律賓紀錄短片:<Philippines: Lost In A Shadow War>; <City of Guilt >;<Sex and Religion in Manila>
泰緬邊境紀錄片:<Burma VJ> ; <Free Burma Rangers>
策展人/Curator: 黃婷鈺 Yvonne Tingyu Huang, 方智勇 Chih-Yung Fang
翻譯 / 林怡君 (Rebecca Lin)
08/12 開幕式臉書活動照片 (opening facebook photos)
08/13 座談會臉書活動照片 (forum facebook photos)