이 섬으로부터 그 섬을 바라보다
제주도 강정마을 해군기지반대 동영상과 다큐멘터리 심포지엄
Gaze from Island to Island
Fourm and documentary of anti-naval base in Ganggeong village , Jeju island
2012年9月16日 2pm @ 台北當代藝術中心(睡不著 insomnia cafe / 台北市大安區泰順街60巷8號 B1)
2012年9月29日 7pm @ 豆皮文藝咖啡館 (高雄市鹽埕區五福四路131號 2樓)
高俊宏 藝術工作者 / 台南藝術大學創作理論研究所博士班
Emily Wang 網路錄影現聲 / 江汀SOS組織和平運動家
協辦單位:睡不著 insomnia cafe
* 睡不著 insomnia cafe場次無低銷、免費參加,但請勿攜帶外食,演講期間禁止餐食,現場備有茶水,如有疑問可洽詢現場人員。
In August this year, I went to Korea for a research project and arrived by chance in Ganggeong Village in Jeju Island. There in the village I took part in the Jeju Peace Art Festival held by Federation of Artistic and Cultural Organization of Korea, met people of the SOS organization in Ganggeong village, and understood the intense fighting history of the villagers against the naval engineering. After coming back to Taiwan, I constantly yet unintentionally recalled the people, shouting, events, and the commotion in Ganggeong village. It seemed my own agony and detest towards the Post Cold War period shares an indistinct, nasty, yet concrete mutual feeling with them.
In 2007, despite the opposition of the local people, South Korea constructed a naval base in Ganggeong village, which serves as a link in the US military deploy in East Asia. Until now, Ganggeong has been fighting against it for 6 years. This September, they carried on the International Action Week for No Jeju Naval Base. Therefore, with the help of the Ganggeong SOS organization, TCAC, and Dogpig Art Café, we hold the Fourm and documentary of the combats in Ganggeong village, and we hope you can join us to gaze at their island from our island and think about our common problems with the archipelagic vision and spirits.
Organizeer: Taipei Comtemporary Art Center, Dogpig Art Café
Co-Organizer: Insomnia