2010.03.19 Friday Bar:Youtube Jam Session, hosted by Tirdad Zolghadr and Friends | 星期五酒吧:Tirdad Zolghadr 與藝術家們 軋youtube之夜

台北當代藝術中心本週五的“星期五酒吧”活動,邀請到國際策展人Tirdad Zolghadr (本屆台北雙年展策展人之一)與從世界各地匯聚於台灣的藝術家們,一同來主持這晚的“即興影像播放”會。他們將從youtube這樣的網路平台,羅列各種不同題材與類型的影片,做個很隨性的“放映會〞。

Youtube Jam Session, hosted by TIRDAD ZOLGHADR & Friends

This upcoming “Friday Bar” at Taipei Contemporary Art Center will be hosted by the internationally known curator Tirdad Zolghadr, who is also the co-curator of 2010 Taipei Biennial, and the artists from all over the world. There will be video clips from youtube randomly flickering in front of your eyes.
Please come and chill out. Let the unexpected images bombard your mind. And, who knows! You might go home with the wildest fantasy!
