Archive – Taiwanese Contemporary Artist :Amy Cheng | 台灣當代藝術家資料庫:鄭慧華



藝術評論及獨立策展人,工作和生活於台灣台北和加拿大溫哥華兩地。自1995年開始撰寫藝術評論及文化評論相關文章,97年至99年任輔仁大學夜間部英文系兼任講師,並為《藝術新聞》雜誌特約作者;2000年開始任《典藏今藝術》溫哥華特約作者,現為該雜誌特約主筆。近年藝術評論文章散見於:典藏《今藝術》、《現代美術》(台北市立美術 館出版)、《YiShu:Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art》等期刊。


鄭慧華策劃過的展覽包括:「看不見的城市」(溫哥華亞洲當代藝術國際中心 2003),「穿越-廢墟與文明」 (台北誠品藝文空間2004)、與比利時時策展人范黛琳(Barbara Vanderlinden)共同策劃2004台北國際雙年展「在乎現實嗎?」 (台北市立美術館)、獲國藝會策展專案補助策劃「疆界」(台北市立美術館 2006),以及「寶藏巖泡茶照相館/ 第五階段/ 勘誤」(加拿大溫哥華亞洲當代藝術國際中心2008)。2009年開始,進行關於政治藝術創作暨策展實踐的相關研究,第一階段已於2009年底於出版〈藝術與社會-七組藝術家專文和訪談〉專書。目前正在進行網站資料庫建立與第二本藝術家訪談集。



Amy Cheng 


Amy Cheng is a free lance writer and independent curator who lives and works in both Vancouver, Canada and Taipei, Taiwan. She has been actively writing reviews and other articles related to fine art since 1995. From 1997 to 1999 she served as lecturer in the evening program of Fu-Jen Catholic University’s English department, and feature writer for the magazine CANS (Chinese Art News). In 2000 she became a Vancouver-based feature writer for ARTCO magazine, where she currently works as lead feature writer. In recent years her articles of art criticism have appeared in such periodicals as ARTCO, Modern Art (published by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum) and YiShu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art.


Cheng has served as curator in such exhibitions as Invisible City at Centre A: Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art (2003); Ruins and Civilization at the Eslite Art Space, Taipei (2004); the 2004 Taipei Biennial: Do you Believe in Reality? at Taipei Fine Arts Museum (co-curated with Barbara Vanderlinden); Altered States at Taipei Fine Arts Museum (2006), and THTP Project/Phase Five/Oversight at Centre A: Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art (2008).


Cheng is currently working on a research project about “politicized art and curatorial practice since 90s”, the first year (2009) accompanied by a book published: Art and SocietyIntroducing Seven Contemporary Artists (edited by Cheng and published by Taipei Fine Arts Museum).