Archive – Taiwanese Contemporary Artist :Pan Sheau-shei | 台灣當代藝術家資料庫:潘小雪






比利時新魯汶大學(Louvain -la-Neuve)現象學、美學中心交換研究生





























1.  美學/潘小雪、尤煌傑編輯/空中大學發行/2008/第四版/ISBN: 957-661-256-X美學(空大出版1998)

  1. 台灣美術發展全史-花蓮地區/潘小雪著/國立台灣美術館編輯/日創設文化事業公司

出版/2003/ISBN: 957-28482-5-9

  1. 石雕藝術在台灣/潘小雪著/藝術家出版社出版/2005/ ISBN: 986-7487-43-5
  2. 「風微微」潘小雪個展作品畫冊/個人出版/2007/ISBN: -13:978-957-41-4563-8



  1. 「人的處境及其象徵-2007綠島人權藝術季國際藝術家創作營」/潘小雪策劃編輯/行政院文化建設委員會出版/2007/ISBN: 978-986-01-3157-4
  2. 洄瀾國際藝術家創作營/潘小雪主編/花蓮縣文化環境創造協會出版/2009/ ISBN:978-986-85205-0-9
  3. 花蓮當代藝術家群像/潘小雪主編/國立東華大學出版/2009 ISBN:978-957-41-6217-8
  4. 創意文化在花蓮: 花蓮創意文化園區成果專輯. I, 創意產業篇/潘小雪主編/東海岸文教基金會出版 /2009/ ISBN: 9789868527508/541.2933
  5. 創意文化在花蓮: 花蓮創意文化園區成果專輯. II, 展覽篇/潘小雪主編/東海岸文教基金會出版/2009/ ISBN: 9789868527515/541.2933




  1. 從達魯岸到美術館──談當代原住民創作者自我完成與自我技術之研究  高雄市立美術館「跨越海洋展」學術研討會發表出版  (2008)
  2. 生活 美感 花蓮  東台灣藝術的故事<視覺篇>  藝術家出版社 (2007)
  3. 當代美學中梅洛龐蒂的身體知覺理論之研究   現代美術學報第11期  台北市立美術館印行(2006)
  4. 前衛藝術在台灣東岸的初航  台灣美術季刊第64期  台灣國家美術館印行  (2006)
  5. 蕭條者形之君也寂寞者音之主也--葉世強畫傳  台北藝術大學關渡美術館「空場」展覽論文發表  網站出版(2006)
  6. 創造一個真實的烏托邦──在花蓮  美術叢書第82期 台灣當代藝術特記  台北市立美術館出版(2005)
  7. 花蓮藝術創作者在反智社會中的奮鬥紀實(以公共藝術「花蓮詩路」為例)──「花蓮的社會與文化」學術研討會   (2003)
  8. 藝術與公共領域--高雄大學藝術進入社區研討會主持人與與談人(2007/3)
  9. 第一屆花蓮學研討會籌備委員暨會議綜合座談與談人(2006/10)
  10. 東台灣南島語言與藝術  發表於「95年度台灣人文學東區座談會」      東華大學原住民學院主辦(2006/6/17)
  11. 比利時新魯汶大學的公共藝術講座  於花大附小  (2006/4/12,17)
  12. 公共藝術的執行方法講座  於花蓮中學演講(2006/3/2)
  13. 花蓮美術的發展講座  東華大學人文社會學院主辦(2006/424)
  14. 第一屆花蓮學研討會籌備委員暨會議綜合座談與談人(2006/10)
  15. 石雕藝術在台灣講座  第六屆國際石雕作營研討會(2005/10/7)
  16. 社區藝術教育與談人  全國藝術教育發展會議(2005/10/20)
  17. 社區藝術教育與談人  全國藝術教育發展會議東區座談會(2005/9/24)
  18. 前衛藝術與在地藝術的相容講座  台中文化季-彩繪城市藝術節「藝術與社群論壇」 台中文化局主辦中興大學藝術中心發表(2005/9/25)
  19. 花蓮國際圖騰節研討會與談人  花蓮縣文化局主辦(2005/4)
  20. 回應在夣田上與談人  促進東部區域邁向永續發展研討會 內政部營建署主辦(2005/8/14)
  21. 如何形塑文化特色創造文化產業講座  洄瀾藝文夢土的邀約座談會


  1. 藝術創作與自然相互滲透共構的可能性辨證講座  藝術介入空間-公共藝術國際研討會  台北藝術大學發表(2004/9/20)




  1. 「在有月光的海上漫舞」12 件/HIAW workshop/數位影像與裝置/展覽地點:石梯坪


  1. 「我的城市在深夜中航行」公共藝術/馬賽克、石材、瓷器/250cm×400cm/設置地點:花蓮縣立花崗國中舊校門/2005
  2. 3.      「Formosa15件/亞美尼亞共合國第五屆雙年展Armenia “ 5th international Biennale of the contemporary art Gyumri Armenia” /油畫、數位影像/展覽地點:亞美尼亞糾因里市/2006
  3. 「風微微」個展57件/油畫、壓克力、數位影像裝置、裝置藝術/展覽地點:東海岸國家公園花蓮站/2007
  4. 「快樂之翼」公共藝術/馬賽克 /250Ccm×380cm/設置地點:花蓮縣立稻香國小/2008
  5. 「母親寄來的照片」4件數位影像/亞洲藝術節聯展/2008
  6. 「南柯一夢」裝置藝術/鐵架、鐵絲網、石膏繃帶/空間尺寸/設置地點:高雄二二八紀念公園 2009







1        2003年8月參加英國倫敦布拉紮國際藝術家創作營(Brazier international artist workshop),展出繪畫作品「恍惚」8件、行為藝術兩件。

2        2003年11月策展「HIAW 2003洄瀾國際藝術家創作營」(2003)

3        2004年策劃海海人生藝術市集。

4        2004年參加2004德國“17th international artforum at the castl Eichhofen”邀請藝術家並展出作品20件(2004)

5        2004年參加2004亞美尼亞共和國雙年展Armenia “ 4th international Biennale of the contemporary art Gyumri Armenia” , 作品「文本」。

6        2004年12月策展CO4台灣前衛文件展。

7        2005年5月花崗國中舊校門公共藝術作品製作。

8        2005年6月策展「HIAW 2005洄瀾國際藝術家創作營」

9        2005年9月受邀至英國倫敦蓋茲渥斯(Gasworks)藝術村、布里斯多(Bristol)以及愛爾蘭多尼各(Donegl)藝術家訪問與考察。

10    2006年8月受邀亞美尼亞共合國雙年展Armenia “ 5th international Biennale of the contemporary art Gyumri Armenia”

11    2006年受邀韓國「亞洲藝動首爾工作營」觀察員

12    2006年11月策展「HIAW 2006洄瀾國際藝術家創作營」

13    2007年9月策展「綠島人權藝術季國際藝術創作營」

14    2007年11月策展「HIAW 2006洄瀾國際藝術家創作營」





1. 藝教於樂II-透過藝術學習專案補助100萬元/計劃主持人潘小雪




  1. 「藝術介入空間-巴克力藍-花蓮豐濱港口藝勇隊空間再造計畫」補助500萬元/計劃主持人潘小雪/行政院文化建設委員會/2009

4. 「行政院原住民委員會藝術工作者駐村計畫」委託案510萬元/計








Pan Sheau-shei

Dean of Arts College,  National Dong Hwa University



B.A. degree of Arts Department of National Taiwan Normal University

Master degree of Graduate Arts Department of National Taiwan Normal University

Exchange researcher of Phenomenology and Aesthetics at Louvain-la-Neuve University in Belgium

Doctor degree of Philosophy and Aesthetics of Private Fu Jen Catholic University


Art teacher of Huagon Junior High School (1975-1983)

Instructor of Applied Arts Department of Private Fu Jen Catholic University (1985-1993)

Dean of Arts and Design Department of National Tungtwa University ( Currently)

Full-time Professor of Graduate College of Technology and Arts of National Tungtwa University ( Currently )

Part-time Associate Professor of Aesthetics Courses at Private Tze Chi University(2003-2006)

Director of Cultural, Environmental and Creative Association of Hualien County(2000-2003)

Executive of Hualien District about Experimental Public Art Program in Bureau of Cultural Affairs(1996)

Deputy of Commission Cultural Fund of Bureau of Cultural Affairs(2003-04)

Judge of Art Competition of National Literature Fund Commission (Currently)

Recommender of Taishin Arts Awards (Currently )

Sponsor of Arts & Literature activities of Hualien Pine Garden of Cultural Affairs Bureau(2001)

Commentator of Creativity and Comment Award of Municipal Kaohsiung Arts Hall (2001、2003)

Judge of Arts Award of Municipal Kaohsiung Arts Hall(2002)

Committee member of Arts Collection of Municipal Kaohsiung Arts Hall(2006-2009)

Committee member of Hualien County Cultural Bureau ( Currently)

Committee member of Municipal Development Council of Hualien County Government ( Currently )

Council member of Public Art of Hualien County Government ( Currently )

Editor-in-chief of Hualien East Coast Magazine (2006-07)

Executive of Yearly Projects of Hualien Creative Cultural Garden(2008-09)

Administrator of Art Intervention Project of Pakeriran through Art, Courage and Space Enhancement at Gangkou, Fengbin Township, Hualien County ( 2009)

Commission Executive of Art Workers’ Community-Inhabiting Project of Council of Indigenous Peoples of Administrative Yuan /2009-2010

Publications ( 2003-2008)

Book Publications


  1. Aesthetics by Yuki Pan & Huang Jei Yu , published by National Open University in 1998 ( ISBN: 957-661-256 , Aesthetics)
  2. A History of Hualien Art Development by Yuki Pan, edited by National Taiwan Art Hall and published by Ri-chung-she Cultural Press Corporation. Published in 2003, ISBN: 957-28482-5-9
  3. Sculpture Art in Taiwan by Yuki Pan published by Artist Publishing Company in 2005, ISBN: 986-7487-43-5
  4. “ The Breeze”, a collection of Yuki Pan’s Personal Art Display, published in 2007, ISBN: -13:978-957-41-4563-8


Edited Publications


  1. “ Man’s Situation and His Symbols: A collection of International Artists’ Workshop at Human Rights’ Art Festival in Green Island ”, edited by Yuki Pan, published by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Executive Yuan
  2. “ Hweilan International Artists’ Workshop”, edited by Yuki Pan, and published by Cultural, Environmental, and Creative Association of Hualien County in 2009, ISBN:978-957-41-6217-8
  3. “ A Portrait of Hualien Contemporary Artists” , edited by Yuki Pan, and published by National Dong-twa University in 2009, ISBN: 978-957-41-6217-8
  4. “ Creative Cultures in Hualien: Creative Industry ”, a collection of Hualien Creative Cultural Garden , edited by Yuki Pan, and published by East Coast Cultural & Educational fund in 2009, ISBN: 9789868527508/541.2933
  5. “ Creative Cultures in Hualien : Art Display”, edited by Yuki Pan and published by East Coast Cultural & Educational Fund in 2009, ISBN: 9789868527515/541.2933

Education Nationwide (2005/10/20)

16. A speaker of Community Art Education at the eastern section of the Conference of Art Education Nationwide ( 2005/09/25)

17. “ A Seminar of Avant-garde Art and Local art Combined” , made at the Art Festival held by Taichung Cultural Bureau at the Art Center of Chung Shin University ( 2005/09/25)

18. A speaker of the conference of Hualien International Totem Festival, held by Hualien County Cultural Bureau. ( 2005/040

19. A speaker of the conference “ A Lasting Exploitation of Eastern District Land ” , held by the Construction Bureau of Internal Department. ( 2005/08/14)

20. A speaker of the conference of “ How to Shape the Cultural Features and Create Cultural Industry” held by Hweilan Dream Art Club.( 2004/12/15)

21. “ A Possible Dialectic of Art Creation and Nature Co-filtered ” , read as a  dissertation at International Public Art Conference and published by Taipei Art University.


Academic Achievements


  1. “ From Aboriginal Daluhan Cabin to Contemporary Gallery”, read in the academic seminar “ Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea ” of Kaohsiung Municipal Fine Arts Museum. (2008)

2.  .“ Life and Aesthetic in Hualien: A story of Art in Eastern Taiwan” published Artists’ Publishing Company. (2007)

3.  “ On Ponty Merleau’s Body-conscious Theory in Contemporary Aestheics” , published in Contemporary Art Journal Issue 11th and Taipei Municipal Art Gallery in 2006

4.  “ A Maiden Voyage of Avant-garde Art to Taiwan Eastern Coast” published in Taiwan Art Quarterly Issue 64th and Taiwan National Gallery in 2006.

5.  “A Solitary Struggle for Art , Painter Tz Chiang Ye’s Biography”, showed as a dissertation for the academic seminar in the gallery hall of Taipei Arts University, and available online since 2006.

6. “ Creating a real Utopia in Hualien” collected in Taiwan Contemporary Art Journal and published by Taipei Municipal Gallery in 2005.

7. “ A Record of Art workers’ Struggle for Art in Hualien : A miracle in a Society against Enlightenment” a dissertation, taking public art “ Hualien Peotry” for example, read at the academic seminar “ Hualien’s  Society and Culture” in 2003.

8. “ Art and Public Domain”, a theme conversation with the host of the conference “ Art into Community” held at Kaohsiung University. (2007/3)

9. A committee member of preparation and a council member at the first Hualien Academic Seminar. (2006/10)

10. “ South Island’s Language and Art in Eastern Taiwan”, read as a dissertation at the eastern section conference of Taiwan Liberal Arts, held by Indigenous Peoples College of Dong Twa University. (2006/6/17)

11.“ Public Art Seminars at the university of Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium” , made at the affiliated primary school of Hualien Education College(2006/4/12,17)

12 .“ A Seminar of Public Art Performance”, made in Hualien Senior High School. (2006/3/2)

13. “ A Seminar of Hualien Arts Development” held by Liberal Arts College of National Dong Twa University. (2006/04/24)

14. “ A Seminar of Sculpture Art in Taiwan” made at the 6th International Sculpture Art Workshop. (2005/10/07)

15. A speaker of Community Art Education at the Conference of Art


Works and Exhibits


  1. “ Dancing on the moonlight Sea”, twelve pieces of digital images and installments , exhibited at Shih Ti Ping, East Coast National Park, and Hualien Creative Culture Park. ( 2005/06)
  2. “ My City Sails at Midnight”, a piece of public art with mosaic, marble, and porcelain, 250cm by 400cm, installed at the main gate of Hualien Huakong Junior High School.( 2005)
  3. “ Formosa” fifteen pieces of paintings and digital images exhibited at Armenia’s 5th International Biennale of the contemporary art Gyumri Armenia. ( 2006)
  4. “ The Breeze” fifty-seven pieces of paintings, acrylic sheets, digital images, and art installments , exhibited at Hualien Hall of East Coast National Park.
  5. “ The Wings of Joy”, a piece of public art with mosaic, 250cm by 380cm, exhibited at Hualien County Dowshen Primary School.\
  6. “ Pictures from Mother, four pieces of digital images, exhibited at the Joint Asian Art Exhibition. ( 2008)
  7. “ A Disillusioned Life Dream”, a piece of installment art with iron frameworks, wires, gypsum bondages, installed at the 228 Memorial Park in Kaohsiung ( 2009)


Planning, International Exchange Projects and Exhibitions, and Public Art ( 2003-2008)


  1. Invited to join in Brazier International Artist Workshop, with eight pieces of theme paintings “ Vertigo, ” and two piece of behavior art in August , 2003.
  2. Planning “ HIAW 2003 Hweilan International Artists’ Workshop” in November, 2003.
  3. Planning “ An Art Fair of Life Motifs” in 2004.
  4. Invited to join in “ 2004 Germany’s 17th International Art Forum at the Castl Eichhofen” with 20 pieces of works
  5. Invited to join in “ Armenia’s 4th International Biennale of the Contemporary Art Gyumri Armenia,” with an exhibit of “ A Life Text”.
  6. Planning “ CO2 Documental Exhibition of Taiwan Avant-garde Works”, in December, 2004.
  7. Exhibiting a piece of public art at the old main gate of Huakong Junior High School in May, 2005.
  8. Planning “ HIAW 2005 Hweilan International Artists’ Workshop” in June, 2005.
  9. Invited to visit the Artists’ Village at Gasworks of London, Bristol in England, and Donegl in Ireland in September, 2005.
  10. Invited to join in “ Armenia’s 5th International Biennale of the Contemporary Art Gyumri Armenia” in August, 2006.
  11. Invited to serve as an observer of “ Asian Seoul Arts Dynamic Work Camp in Korea” in 2006.
  12. Planning “ HIAW 2006  Hweilan International Artists’ Workshop” in November, 2006.
  13. Planning “ International Artists’ Workshop at Human Rights’ Art Festival on Green Island” in September, 2007.
  14. Planning “ HIAW 2006 Hweiland International Artists’ Workshop” in November, 2007.

Commissioned jobs and subsidies


  1. Yuki Pan, Supervisor of “ Learning through Art ” , with an exclusive subsidy of one million dollars from National Cultural Arts Foundation in 2006.
  2. Yuki Pan, Administrator of “ Hualien Creative Cultural Garden”, with an exclusive subsidy of seven million dollars, commissioned by Cultural Affairs Bureau of Executive Yuan from February, 2008 to February, 2009.
  3. Yuki Pan, Administrator of Art Intervention Project of Pakeriran through Art, Courage and Space Enhancement at Gangkou, Fengbin Township, Hualien County, with a subsidy of five million dollars, commissioned by Cultural Affairs of Executive Yuan in 2009.
  4. Yuki Pan, Supervisor  of “ Artists’ Community-Inhabiting Project” with a subsidy of 5.100,000 dollars, commissioned by Indigenous Peoples Committee of Executive Yuan from 2009 to 2010.

