Open Curatorial School
在當代藝術的觀念脈絡中,每一位「獨立策展人」本身就是一個移動性的、自主性的且獨立作業性的一人機構(one person institute),其所具有的臨時與流動特質,反映於自身機制上的高度彈性,並依工作所需進行著橫向組織與縱向連結的調度。「開放策展學校」之精神以及其興起目標主要欲針對潛力策展人建立起一個體制外另一種推廣平台,因應學院與學院系統間缺乏對話平台,造成學院間無法產出有效的討論,因此建置一個跨學院理論實踐平台與討論空間,使潛力策展人們能在學院之外得到平行研習的機會。
The Open Curatorial School is TCAC’s alternative education platform. Each edition takes a unique approach to address a current theme in curating. It engaged its participants through lectures by international curators and mentors, as well as tutorials, site visits, and field research. The program also developed independent thinking in peer critique, with a focus on socially-engaged practices. Two parallel structures support the Open Curatorial School: “practicing” and “networking” as approaches to research, discourse and display.
2015.11.01-11.29 Open Curatorial School:The Seven Relations in Exhibition-Making and Beyond