The Seven Relations in Exhibition-Making and Beyond


2015開放策展學校的主題設為《展覽製作中的七組關係》,攤開策展方法學的全面基礎結構,從策展文法、媒體、行動上的探討,回應其之於文化與機制環境的狀態,並展開個體性的演練與再詮釋。七個特定題目的系列講座和一個個別輔導性質的工作坊將在一個月份分次展開,這些題目為:1) 藝術家-策展人 (artist – curator), 2) 文本-地方-場域 (context – place – site), 3) 藝術-金錢 (art – money), 4) 機構-個體 (institutional – individual), 5) 觀眾-展示 (audience – display), 6) 後台-再現 (backstage – representation), 7) 後製-循環 (post-production – circulation)。

Apart from the public seminars, the Open Curatorial School offers a comprehensive and exclusive exercise opportunity with tutorial sessions from mentors, covering advises for writing, site visit, field research, proposal writing to the final presentation. The program encourages independent thinking and socially engaged practices to discover new potentials and possibilities in the local contemporary art environment. The tutorial sessions with local mentors and international lecturers are created to inspire creativity and sensibility in conceptualizing and realizing a curatorial project. Learnt knowledge and theories could be applied in the customized workshops as well as in the social scenario. The School comes with a peer group framework for participants to learn from one another, allowing discussions and reflections to take place and flow in reality. Two parallel structures support the Open Curatorial School: “practicing” and “networking” are models of exercise in this concept driven program to facilitate a multi-functional knowledge platform for research, discourse, display, network, etc. More than a study course, this year’s program is as well as an exercise experience, offering an exhibition opportunity to the final winning projects: selected proposals to be realized in TCAC and Hong-Gah Museum in the following year.

“The Seven Relations in Exhibition-Making and Beyond” provides a comprehensive introduction to curatorial methodology that responds to the cultural and institutional environment as well as independent reinterpretations of curatorial grammars, media and actions. The 2015 Open Curatorial School will be delivered through 7 public seminars on topics including 1) artist – curator, 2) context – place – site, 3) art – money, 4) institutional – individual, 5) audience – display, 6) backstage – representation, and 7) post-production – circulation.