2 Weeks

TCAC 2018 推出全新系列《2 Weeks 異度空間》過程型展覽,將圍繞著年度主題「藝術實驗室」,借重以往科學研究領域在實驗室進行的各種實驗、重複、紀錄與分析的過程,以空間做為最主要的媒介,重新想像不確定性(uncertainty)、場景(the scene)與時間軸(timeline)於藝術實踐中的意義與可能性。本系列展覽試圖利用空間場景與敘事性的累進與疊加,呈現科學與藝術中的關聯與可類比性。

Centered on TCAC 2018 annual theme “Art Lab,” the program 2 Weeks is a series of process-based exhibition focusing on the narrative and performativity of a space. 2 Weeks attempts to address the space as a medium, and to imagine the possible outcome of generating uncertainty, the scene and timeline. The steps of conducting experiment, repetition, documentation and analysis that usually take place in a science lab will be examined through artistic practices. In this series of exhibition, the accumulation of narrative and scene in the space as well as analogies between art and science experiment will be presented.