Scenario#4 password: alternative therapy 10/26-10/29 周育正、周俊輝、李墨+小孔 CHOU Yu-Cheng、CHOW Chun Fai、LI Mo & KONG [Readmore]
2016.10.26 Portrait Portrait Event Series #3: One Woman, One Family, One City——About Joris Ivens’ One Woman, One Family肖像擺 系列活動 #3:一位婦女,一個家庭,一座城市——關於 尤里斯·伊文思《一位婦女,一個家庭》 [Readmore]
Scenario #3 password: have you seen him? 10/12-10/22 周育正、周俊輝、胡向前 CHOU Yu-Cheng, CHOW Chun Fai, HU Xiangqian [Readmore]
Scenario #2 password: replay 9/28-10/8 姚瑞中、區秀詒、黃宇軒、胡向前 YAO Jui-Chung, AU Sow-Yee, Sampson WONG, HU Xiangqian [Readmore]
Scenario #1 password: party 9/8-9/24 姚瑞中、區秀詒、黃宇軒、黃大旺 YAO Jui-Chung, AU Sow-Yee, Sampson WONG, Dawang HUANG [Readmore]
2016.10.19 Curatorial Instruments in Speculation 策展工器:工作坊 Workshop#2 純愛.夢.歲月:瓊瑤的電影與瓊瑤的時代 True love, dreams and glory: The age of Chiung Yao movies [Readmore]
2016.10.13. Portrait Portrait Event Series#2: The Group Portraits of Artists肖像擺系列活動#2 野台開講之藝術群像 [Readmore]