2017.11.25 Reading: A Post-Super-Future-Asia Writing Workshop Taipei Session

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參與者:吳其育、呂岱如、俞若玫、徐世琪、張允菡、張欣、莊博舜、郭娟、黃漢衝、葉文希、鄭惠文、謝柏齊、鐘玉玲、Dagmar Dahle、Khairulla Rahim、Nathalie Wuerth


本場朗讀將由《後超級未來亞洲書寫工作坊》的參與者進行階段性的公開寫作發表,朗讀和分享工作坊在台北站的書寫成果。《後超級未來亞洲書寫工作坊》是一個跨國行動與合作,旨在和不同的文化藝術實踐者一起共同書寫建構一個亞洲的未來地誌,其所含括的領地正好名為「亞洲」,一個後超級未來版本的樣貌。其工作坊的前提設定是將領地作為超越地方的一種地理,由各地居民行為脈絡相關的地方與時間性相繫的各種分置歷史、意識形態、現象等所重新集合而成的一種地理概念,而這些亞洲各區所分置的思想島嶼如何被觀看成為一種從地理政治座標解放開的新群島鏈結,將是這個聚會所將要探索之處,在超越現有位置版圖和全球政治權力操控下的一種未來亞洲將如何出發?我們預計透過再思人類家族(Family of Man),去想像個體間真正的相屬關係,如情人、家人、族人、團體成員、和其他各樣社群社會關係之形式。


(1) 擷取改編自新加坡場次的集體書寫成果。



Time: 2017.11.25  Sat. 4-6pm
Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center, No. 11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Taipei (MRT Daqiaotou Station)
Participants: Chang Yun-Han, Fiona Cheng, Sheryl Cheung, Tomtom Chuang, Dagmar Dahle,  Guo Juan, Esther Lu, Khairulla Rahim, Angela Su, Tse Pak Chai, Jason Wee, Wu Chi-Yu, Nathalie Wuerth, Hayman Yip, Cally Yu, Zhong Yuling

In the future, we may have two moons on the sky and the ocean becomes the newest memory space while shapes of data become unknown. Perhaps labor won’t be required for any production, and we have to recognise all the useful and the useless things once again…(1)

This territory happened to be called Asia, or whatever a post-super-future version of it would be. The writing workshop’s working hypothesis is territory understood as geography is more than the bounds and expanse of place, but also an aggregation of discrete histories, ideologies and phenomenon associated with place and time that contextualized by inhabitants’ behaviors. In our vision, these islands of thought become an archipelago, yet in this future vision it is freed from the constraints of its geopolitical coordinates, no longer defined by any particular location or national borders, nor it is limited to any one part of the world. In another turn of phrase, this is to rethink the Family of Man, to reimagine the kinship of individuals as lovers, families, tribes, collectives and other forms of social relations.

The reading will be a public program of the writing workshop a-post-super-future-asia, and participants will be sharing their written draft with audience to open up more feedbacks and loops into the zone of future. 

A program travels from one city to another as time travelers, leaving one temporality and arriving in another, reimagining not only the future of human society but also of conversation and gossip, of the information exchange that occurs in those social dynamics, of the genealogies of our intimacies, of the shaping of our social geographies and sensuous terrains. We will be exploring modes of learning and expressing via the act of writing in a collective experience with multiple channels of production, as well as means of connections to decolonize borders of the future.

(1) Adapted from the collective writing result from the workshop’s previous session in Singapore. 

Caption: This image shows the installation exercise of a flower arrangement and alternative translation. By inviting participants to build a future garden together with everyday objects in the context of Singapore, a city aiming to be the future garden city, this exercise unfolded different traces for brainstorming a future city and scenario.