2017.08.02-12 Salon Spice Season 2 Episode 1: Body Work

image: @kittiandjoytv

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藝術家:Tyler Coburn


藉由這次工作坊,我想要提問:透過這些健身方法,會想像出什麼樣理想的身體,而如何讓健身不只是標準化理想身體的一種手段?最後,工作坊成員將透過實踐探索健身文化的歷史脈絡:從珍芳達(Jane Fonda)的Feeling the Burn,理察西蒙斯(Richard Simmons)的Sweatin’ to the Oldies系列,逐漸轉變為賽伯格般的健身型態。本課程也會搭配一些閱讀,如霍伯斯坦、凱窪、Pirkko Markula/Richard Pringle的著作。這些活動與討論在後半段的工作坊將是最精采的時候,我們會在這一系列健身課程裡合作,以訓練一般大眾練習另一種的身體想像。--泰勒・柯伯恩



場次 1: 8/2 (三) 7:30-10:00pm
場次 2: 8/3 (四) 7:00-10:00pm
場次 3: 8/6 (日) 5:00-10:00pm
場次 4: 8/9 (三)7:30-10:00pm
場次 5: 8/10(四) 7:00-10:00pm
場次 6: 8/12 (六) 1:00-6:00pm

1. 本工作坊一共規劃六堂課程。工作坊的成員至少參與其中四次課程,當中必須包含場次4或場次5其中一堂預演與場次6最終發表的課程。
2. 工作坊報名人數限額18名,額滿後即不再受理線上報名。
3. 報名費用為新台幣2000元整,已確認報名後,恕不退費。
4. 報名方式:請先依照指示填寫本表單內容,送出表單後請等待工作人員回信通知繳款方式,確認付款與回信後,方為完成報名手續。
5. 參加者需自備瑜珈墊。
6. 主辦單位保有活動變更之權益。

泰勒・柯伯恩是一位紐約的藝術家及作家,在他的文章曾刊載於 frieze, e-flux journal, Dis, Mousse, Witte de With Review, and Rhizome等刊物上。而他的表演、文字及裝置則曾在 Whitney Museum of American Art; South London Gallery; Kunstverein Munich; CCA Glasgow; Objectif Exhibitions, Antwerp; UCCA, Beijing; and the Power Station of Art, Shanghai 展出過。


Venue:Taipei Contemporary Art Center, No. 11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Taipei (MRT: Daqiaotou Station)
Artist:Tyler Coburn

I’ll admit: I’m fascinated and horrified by fitness culture. As a gay man, I have difficulty avoiding the subject—and I often fall prey to its trends. Moreover, I’m surrounded by friends and colleagues who sign up for new workouts every week, seemingly less in a quest for the perfect technique than to exercise their consumer power. Fitness, for some, can quickly come to suffice as a lifestyle, whether one adopts pseudo-mystical airs through yoga, or reverse-engineers primitivism by means of “extreme fitness.” I’ve even known people to pay money to swing a sledgehammer for an hour, spending their leisure time in a simulation of hard labor.

With Body Work, I want to ask: What ideal bodies are being imagined through these techniques, and how can fitness be more than a means of normalizing such body ideals? To this end, a small group of workshop participants will explore the history of fitness culture in practice: feeling the burn, sweatin’ to the oldies, spinning into cyborg-like states. Exercise classes will be accompanied by readings from authors like Jack Halberstam, Roger Caillois, and Pirkko Markula/Richard Pringle. These activities and discussions will culminate, in the second half of the workshop, when we collaborate on a fitness class at TCAC, training the general public to exercise alternative bodily imaginaries. —Tyler Coburn

Body Work is open to a limited number of participants, who are asked to attend, at minimum: one evening exercise class; two rehearsal sessions; and an afternoon of filming and public presentations. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to a collaborative workshop, developed through group improvisation, collective writing, and individual work.

This workshop will be conducted in English.

Workshop Information
Session 1: 8/2 Wed. 7:30-10:00pm
Session 2: 8/3 Thurs. 7:00-10:00pm
Session 3: 8/6 Sun. 5:00-10:00pm
Session 4: 8/9 Wed. 7:30-10:00pm
Session 5: 8/10Thurs. 7:00-10:00pm
Session 6: 8/12 Sat. 1:00-6:00pm
Workshop fee: TWD2000

1. The workshop consists 6 classes in total. The participants should partake in 4 classes at least, including the final presentation session 6 and one rehearsal from session 4 or 5.
2. The workshop is open to maximum 18 participants in total. The organizer will close the registration form when no vacancy is available.
3. The workshop fee is TWD 2000. The fees will not be refunded after registration confirmation.
4. How to register: please follow the instruction and complete the form. We will reply with availability and payment information. The registration will be confirmed after the payment.
5. Participants need to prepare their own yoga mats.
6. The organizer reserves the rights to modify the terms and conditions.

About Artist
Tyler Coburn is an artist and writer based in New York. His writing has appeared in frieze, e-flux journal, Dis, Mousse, Witte de With Review, and Rhizome. His performances, texts and installations have been presented at the Whitney Museum of American Art; South London Gallery; Kunstverein Munich; CCA Glasgow; Objectif Exhibitions, Antwerp; UCCA, Beijing; and the Power Station of Art, Shanghai.